Friday, August 24, 2012

Peasants of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Agriculture is the base of our economy and rural life. Agriculture still employs bulk of our population. So peasants are the backbone of our agriculture output, our food production and agro-based industries. Peasants are the vital element of our country and economy.
      A peasant is a farmer who owns or leases a piece of land and which he cultivates himself. In our country most of the peasants are generally small farmers. They possess a small piece of land. They have no ploughs and bullocks to cultivate their lands. Many of them do not have enough land to grow enough food for themselves. In that case they cultivate the lands of those who have large areas of lands and do not cultivate themselves. They get a stipulated share of the produce. The share is generally half or one third of the total produce.
There are some landless peasants. They till other’s land and take a share of the produce. They work hard to manage subsistence for their family. Though they work hard in the rain and sun, they lead a very miserable life.

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