Monday, September 3, 2012

A village fair of Bangladesh

( a short story ) A village fair is an annual affair in rural Bangladesh. ( a short story ) It is generally held on the occasion of some religious festivals or some local important events. It is an occasion for show, sale of various goods and entertainments. ( a short story ) Some fairs last for a day or two and some for das together. Men, women and children eagerly wait for the day.

A village fair generally sits on the bank of a river, or a big canal or tank. Some fair also sits in an open field under a big ancient tree, or in the market place, or in the yard of a temple or by the side of a big road.
Preparation begins before the fair. First the ground is cleared and the whole area is fenced. Then rows of sheds made of bamboo and thatched roofs are built. In between the rows there is wide space for the people to move about. The stalls are arranged accordingly to the articles sold.
( a short story ) A village fair serves as a sort of exhibition of village products. Thongs of many kinds and tastes are brought here for show and sale. ( a short story ) Potters, carpenters, blacksmith and weavers sell their hand made goods.( a short story )  Potters make various types of earthen pots, dolls and some fashionable goods and sell them at a high price. Carpenters sell horses, elephants, boats, carriages made of wood and many other beautiful things painted in an attractive way. Blacksmiths come with their thing and sell them in the fair. Weavers come with their best fine cloths and sprees. Generally children gather around the stalls that sell sweets, toys and balloons and women are attracted mainly by those stalls that sell artificial jewelers, earthen wares, brassware, iron ware shares etc.
( a short story ) A village fair is an occasion of great joy and excitement among the villagers.  Circus, magic shows, merry go rounds cockfights, jarigan, jatra etc, are arranges in the fair. Circus parties often bring their trained small tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses, and bears to show funny feats.( a short story )  However the largest crowd gathers in the jatra pandal.
( a short story ) The village fair has demerits too. Gambling parties come here and entice innocent people to take part in gambling. Cheats, pick-pockets, criminals and village mastans come to the fair and commit various kinds of evil deeds. Sometimes children are lost and this causes great anxiety for the parents. A village fair also creates insanitary conditions. Sweet stalls are open.( a short story )  There is no shed over them. Flies sit on the sweet and dust falls on them. People buy these sweets and rat them.  As a result there is every chance of the outbreak of cholera and dysentery.( a short story )
A village fair is very useful and important. It removes of life and brings joys to the villages. It helps a man to forget his sorrows and sufferings for the time being. People meet their kith and kin mix with a variety of people. It enables the village people to show and sell their hand made things. It is of great importance to all.( a short story )

Fish Cultivation

Bangladesh is the darling child of Nature. She has rained her bounties on her loving child profusely. Bangladesh is blessed with so many natural gifts. Fish is one of them. For this reason fish is a common item of our food. But at present this fish is the only source of forcing currency. That is why fish cultivation holds a bright prospect for Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is the best suitable place for fish cultivation. Its soil and climate are congenial to fish cultivation. Bangladesh is a land of rivers, canals, ponds, lakes, tanks and big haors. Fishes live there. They breed and naturally grow there.
In countries like Denmark, fisheries are regarded as an important trade. They have done a lot to improve his trade and are now earning large sums of money by selling fish to foreign countries. In our country fisheries have been badly neglected so long though we have an enormous supply of fish. Our government has taken necessary measures and proper steps for the improvement of fish cultivation. A separate department of fisheries has been opened. It is doing useful work to develop this trade and to improve the lot of the people who are engaged in this profession. Today the people who are engaged in fish cultivation are granted bank loans and supplied with necessary appliances.
Now a day’s fish cultivation is a very profitable business. People engaged in this profession are earning a lot. So today not only the common people but many educated men, instead of turning any risky business or rendering service, have taken fish cultivation as their sole profession. Fish cultivation is less risky and less hazardous. With the help of a little investment it is possible to earn a big amount. They need not flatter anyone or to take shelter of any falsehood.
The benefits of fish cultivation are too many to be described. The people of Bangladesh like fish very much. It is next to rice. They cannot pass a single day without fish. It is very delicious and nutritious. Various delicious preparations are made of fish. They are cooked as curry or fry or kabab. Today fish cultivation is the most profitable business. It is a great source of income. The lion share or our foreign exchange is coming from fish. Fishing is a means of livelihood for many people in our country. There is a special caste of lower class Hindus with whom fishing is hereditary occupation. Now a day’s not only the poor Muslims but also people of different classes have taken fish cultivation as their profession and at the same time as source of their livelihood. It has gone a long way to solve our much talked unemployment problem.
There is no undisturbed blessing on earth. Everything has its dark side, So fish cultivation is not free from its dark side.  It has got some demerits. Sometimes it is attacked by virus and sometimes falls victim to natural calamities. Again there are touts, brokerers, who cheat the simple minded people engaged in this profession. Again many educated youth think fish cultivation beyond their dignity. There are not sufficient cold storages and ice factories.
Fish cultivation holds bright prospect in our country. It will go a long way to lead the country to the path of progress and prosperity.

The Victory Day

( a short story ) December 16 is our victory day. On this day, we achieved our ultimate victory over Pakistani occupation forces and achieved our independence. On this day, a new, sovereign and independent country named Bangladesh with its own identity, own flag and own status came into being.( a short story )  Bangladesh stood upright among the nations of the world after a ninth-month long bloody struggle and sacrifices of millions of people. So this day is a red letter day in our national history.( a short story )

Historical Background: Long-standing exploitation, injustice and deprivation from due political, economic and administrative rights and previleges were the root causes of discontentment and resentment of the Bangladeshis against the ruling West Pakistani leaders. ( a short story ) Matters grew worse when in the general election of 1970, the Awami League came out victorious defeating the ruling Muslim League, and achieved absolute majority in the parliament. But the then authorities of West Pakistan were dilly-dallying to hand over power to the elected East-Pakistan leaders. ( a short story ) They were plotting a blue-print to massacre the Bengalis. ( a short story ) On the night of December 25, the Pakistani forces launched an atrocious and barbarous attack on the innocent and sleeping Bengalis under the Operation Searchlight.( a short story )  By killing the innocent people of Bangladesh they were trying to subdue the spirit of independence of the Bengali, their voice for justice and rights.( a short story )
But the heroic sons of this soil stood against the Pak-army with valour and indomitable spirit for liberaty. They fought against the Pak-army to free their beloved country. On March 26 Bangladesh declared independence and appealed to international community to recognize Bangladesh. In the mean time, people of all walks of life joined the liberation force. ( a short story ) After a nine-month long struggle, and crossing a sea of blood, we gained our freedom on December 16, 1971. On that day, the Park-army surrendered to the Liberation army at the race-course ground. Thus we achieved our glorious victory.
The Observance of Vicory Day: Since then December 16 is being celebrated as our victory day. We observe the day with great excitement and jubilation, with colourful festivity and patriotic zeal. This day is a public holiday. Our national flag is kept flying on top of every private and public houses and offices, schools, colleges and universities. We offer wreaths to the victory monuments. Govt offices and buildings are decorated and illuminated on this day. Many cultural programmers and festivals are held thought out the country. People from every walk of life attend those programmes with great excitement and enthusiasm.( a short story )
Significance: Our victory day is a landmark event in our national political history. The day is the perpetual source of our inspiration and energy. ( a short story ) The day reminds us of the heroic sacrifices of our sons for the noble cause and also inspires us to sacrifice ourselves for our beloved country. The day is a clear warning for the oppressors that people’s right can never be neglected for long and that oppressors will always be defeated.( a short story )
Bangladesh is our pride, and our victory day is our greatest achievement as a nation because, through this victory we have got a country, a flag, an identity and an invaluable treasure of our own.( a short story )  However, though we have got political freedom, we have not yet got economic freedom. And so, we must take the oath on victory day that we will make our country independent in all respects.( a short story )  Only then, our victory will be achieved in the true dense of the term.

A success story of Bangladeshi people

( a short story ) Mr. Hasan’s parents are not very well-off. ( a short story ) They have a few pieces of land. They have a great hope in mind that if they can educate their only son, their evil days will come to an end.( a short story )  They will be able to pass their life in happiness. So, they spent all that they had to educate their son. After completing university education, he went to Dhaka in search of a job.( a short story )  But this time he faced the harsh reality of life. There are almost no employment opportunity for the fresher’s nowadays. If there is any somewhere, there is a tremendous competition to grab the position. Everyone wants to have a job this or that way. Seeing all these, Hasan become disgusted about searching a job. He decided to do something himself. He decided to be a self-employee. So, he returned to his village home. He first received training in vegetable cultivation from Comilla Horticulture Centre. He then got a lease of land and applied his new and improved knowledge in cultivated vegetables. He earned taka 30,000 that year. Next year, he cultivated cauliflower. ( a short story ) He made a profit of taka one lakh by selling quality cauliflower. He was also been raising hi-breed cows for milk as well as to produce manure.( a short story )  Hasan’s lot has changed radically. His monthly income is now nearly 50,000 taka. He has four employees to help him. He is very happy to be self-sufficient and to make his parents happy.( a short story )


( a short story ) Patriotism is a very noble virtue. Patriotism means loves for one’s country. A person who loves his/her country more than anything else is called a patriot.( a short story )  Patriotism inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well being and betterment of the country. It is the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleaser and even his life for the sake of his country.( a short story )

The word-patriotism invokes a host of qualities or virtues. It includes honesty, responsibility, commitment and dedication for the country and countrymen. Patriotic zeal makes a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. A patriotic man abides by the country, pays taxes, and works for the development of the country and thinks only of doing good of the country. He never does anything that goes against the interest of the country. He never involves himself with criminal, antisocial and anti-state activities.( a short story )  He always upholds the dignity and status of the country. He respects the country and countrymen. A true patriot is ever vigilant to protect country’s freedom, sovereignty and integrity. And if need be a patriot sacrifices his life for the country.( a short story )
We have glorious examples of patriotism – patriotic feelings and sacrifices. It was a deep patriotic feeling that inspired millions of our people to fight for the due status of their mother tongue in 1952, and again in 1971it inspired them to sacrifice their lives to achieve freedom from foreign rule.( a short story )
Patriotism makes one a noble and respectable person. A patriot is loved by all. He may not have wealth or power, but he commands respect from everybody in the society. Poets sing for the patriots, countrymen salute them both when they live and die. ( a short story ) Great patriots are remembered even after their death. A true patriot is an asset of the country. A true patriot never dies because he resides in the hearts of the countrymen. One the other hand an unpatriotic man is a very ignoble person.  Nobody honours him, nbody praises him and he dies unsung and unnoticed.( a short story )
Patriotism inspires a man to contribute to the country. It develops in him a sense of brotherhood, cooperation and sympathy for the countrymen.  Patriot feels proud of him country and countrymen. However a true patriot should never hate other countries because true patriotism teaches to love and respect other countries as well.( a short story )
Narrow patriotism is called chauvinism. It is dangerous and often leads one to harm others.
Patriotism is a part of our religious belief-according to a Hadith. It is by virtue of patriotic feeling that a man can rise and go beyond the prejudices of race, class, colour, language and religion and love everyone in the country. So we all should cultivate this great quality.( a short story )

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Discipline and its importance

Man is a social being. He has to live with others in society. In society he cannot do whatever he likes. He must obey some rules and regulations. To obey these rules and regulations is called discipline law and order.
The value of discipline is indescribable in our life. It helps men to live in society with peace and happiness. It is the basis of all the virtues. Without discipline nothing can be improved in a country.
Nature shows a glaring example of discipline. The earth, the moon, the stars and all the planets move around the sun following discipline strictly.
Discipline is very necessary in every steps of our life. Student life is the best time to build the habit of discipline. A student must attend school punctually and obey the rules of the school. He must carry out the orders of the teachers. Without discipline the teachers cannot teach and the students cannot learn their lessons.
Discipline is strictly maintained in the army. It is the part and parcel of the army. Difficulty, danger and even death cannot escape a soldier from carrying out the orders of his commander.
Discipline is necessary in games and sports. A player has to show respect to the decision of the referee. If the players in the play ground do not obey the rules of the game and the orders of the captain, they are sure to the lose the game.
All the members of a house should obey the rules of the family. A family, without discipline is sure to suffer chaos and unhappiness. A disciplined family leads a happy and healthy life.
Discipline is the root of all virtues of our life. Development of a society, a country and above all a nation is not possible without discipline. A life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. So all of us should be the performer of discipline from the very beginning of life

Rural Development

Rural development means development of village. Bangladesh is a land of villages. More than 80 percent of her people love in villages. So the importance of villages in our body politic is great. The development of the entire country depends on the welfare of these villages. So it is essential to keep the villages in a flourishing condition.
In our country rural development has various aspects. The most industries, fishery, co-operative society’s community life etc.
A good communication is essential for the development of the villages. With this end in view our government has taken some practical measures. Many new roads have been constructed and many old roads and culverts have been repaired. There are also some pucca roads. Now-a-days we see that buses, auto rickshaws, trucks, rickshaws etc move on the pucca roads in the rural areas. Today farmers are sending their products to towns and cities.
Education in the backbone of a nation. Without education a nation cannot prosper. It is education which illumines the soul, broadens the outlooks on life and dispels the darkness of ignorance. Bangladesh is a poor country. About 85% percent of her populations live in village. They do not know how to read and write. We can co reach the peak of prosperity and progress until and unless we can remove the curse of illiteracy from the lot of our people. Our government is determined to free the nation from the curse of illiteracy within a very short time.
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Agriculture is the life blood of her economy. Again about eighty parcent of our people are engaged in agriculture who live in villages. Even in this modern scientific age our agriculture is very backward. But at present it is a very happy news that our government has taken active steps and necessary measures for the progress of agriculture, such as supplying the farmers with modern scientific tools for cultivation, good, seeds, fertilizer at a cheaper rate, agricultural loans in easy terms and many other things. Irrigation system has been improved.
As most of the villagers are illiterate, they have no knowledge of health and sanitation. Most of the villagers suffer from various diseases. But this miserable condition is changing slowly. Many hospitals, health facilities to the poor rural people.
 Pure drinking water was very scarce in the past. People used to drink water from ponds. As a result they suffered from many water born diseases. Now-a-days every village has at least one or more tube wells.
By raising more Poultry and cultivating fish more, we can develop our villages. Our government has paid much attention to these things. The poor villagers are given loan on easy terms. Many unused marshy lands have been brought under fish cultivation.
Through the development of the villages our country will reach the peak of progress and prosperity. Let us all come forward and work with concerted efforts to develop our villages.

Postman in Bangladesh

( a short story ) In the past people used to live at home with their kith and kin. But with the advancement of civilization man now lives far from his families and relatives. So he has to remain anxious for news from near and dear ones. This demand has been met up through the introduction of postal system. Thus the service of the postman comes into being.
( a short story ) The postman is employed by the postal department to deliver postal matters like letters, parcels, money orders etc to the addressees. In our daily life the postman is the most familiar figure.( a short story )  Everyday at a particular time he is seen passing through the streets. He is the most eagerly waited person. Our heart swells with expectations when we see him approaching our doors. He brings news from our near and dear ones living in home and abroad.
( a short story ) The postman renders invaluable service to us. He attends the office in time and performs his duties sincerely. If he fails to discharge his duties properly any day, it may cause irreparable loss to the persons concerned. In all weathers good and bad he performs his duty.
( a short story ) The postman starts his work in the post office. He opens the mail bag and sorts the letters and other postal articles. He hands over the outgoing mail to the runner. Then he starts for his own round.
( a short story ) But in the town the postman maintains an official air. He moves very fast from door to door and quietly drops the letters into the letterboxes. If he finds a house without letter box, he drops down the letters through the doors or windows. In delivering registered parcels, money orders etc. he calls the addresses( a short story ) .
( a short story ) The service of the postman is of great importance to us, but he is very much neglected. He is ill paid and can hardly make both ends. He is not held in due respect. Proper steps should be taken so that he can maintain his family keeping his brain away from the fear of wants. He is a link all over the world.( a short story )