Monday, September 3, 2012


( a short story ) Patriotism is a very noble virtue. Patriotism means loves for one’s country. A person who loves his/her country more than anything else is called a patriot.( a short story )  Patriotism inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well being and betterment of the country. It is the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleaser and even his life for the sake of his country.( a short story )

The word-patriotism invokes a host of qualities or virtues. It includes honesty, responsibility, commitment and dedication for the country and countrymen. Patriotic zeal makes a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. A patriotic man abides by the country, pays taxes, and works for the development of the country and thinks only of doing good of the country. He never does anything that goes against the interest of the country. He never involves himself with criminal, antisocial and anti-state activities.( a short story )  He always upholds the dignity and status of the country. He respects the country and countrymen. A true patriot is ever vigilant to protect country’s freedom, sovereignty and integrity. And if need be a patriot sacrifices his life for the country.( a short story )
We have glorious examples of patriotism – patriotic feelings and sacrifices. It was a deep patriotic feeling that inspired millions of our people to fight for the due status of their mother tongue in 1952, and again in 1971it inspired them to sacrifice their lives to achieve freedom from foreign rule.( a short story )
Patriotism makes one a noble and respectable person. A patriot is loved by all. He may not have wealth or power, but he commands respect from everybody in the society. Poets sing for the patriots, countrymen salute them both when they live and die. ( a short story ) Great patriots are remembered even after their death. A true patriot is an asset of the country. A true patriot never dies because he resides in the hearts of the countrymen. One the other hand an unpatriotic man is a very ignoble person.  Nobody honours him, nbody praises him and he dies unsung and unnoticed.( a short story )
Patriotism inspires a man to contribute to the country. It develops in him a sense of brotherhood, cooperation and sympathy for the countrymen.  Patriot feels proud of him country and countrymen. However a true patriot should never hate other countries because true patriotism teaches to love and respect other countries as well.( a short story )
Narrow patriotism is called chauvinism. It is dangerous and often leads one to harm others.
Patriotism is a part of our religious belief-according to a Hadith. It is by virtue of patriotic feeling that a man can rise and go beyond the prejudices of race, class, colour, language and religion and love everyone in the country. So we all should cultivate this great quality.( a short story )

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