Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Critically examine Aristotle`s view on the importance of plot and character. Part 3

Previous Page 2…………….….According to Aristotle character is sub – ordinate to plot. Character is that which enables us to define the nature of the participants. The purpose of living and which is a kind of activity, not a quality; it is their characters, indeed, that make men what they are, but it is by reason of their actions that they are happy or the reverse. Tragedy is performed, therefore, in order to represent character, although character is involved for the sake of action. There could not be a tragedy without action but there could be without character. In life as in drama both the mental disposition, moral thoughts of a person express himself in his speech and in his action. The character of an individual is formed by the action. His depends on his action. Therefore, we can say character is sub – ordinate to action. In character we notice the inner self of a man. The character resorts to dialogue to explain his motives and actions. Character comes secondary to action. Aristotle says, “Plot is the first principle and the soul of the tragedy and character hold the second place. “There is another important point to note that reversals and recognitions are two constituents of plot. The dramatic action consists of a series of events that are related to one another. The characters do not act as they like. They have to act according to the situation and circumstances in which they are placed as well as in relation to other characters.

The well conceived plot will have single interest, and nit as some say, a double. The change in fortune will be, not from misery to prosperity but the reverse, from prosperity to misery, and it will be due, not to depravity but to some great error either in such a man or in another better than this, but nit worse.

In fine, it is told that both plot and character are important constituents of composing a tragedy but between the two, Plot plays most important role because the well-constructed plot functions as the life-blood and it ends in a smooth way and must conform to the purpose the writer desires but the character acts as the secondary medium of a tragedy. However, both the constituents the plot and the character are very essential to form a tragedy.

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